The Swiss Matura at the SSR
The high school of the Swiss School of Rome lasts five years. It follows the educational programs and
guidelines of the Canton of St. Gallen and concludes with the Swiss Maturità Examination, which is
equivalent to the Italian Maturità Examination, and gives access to enrolment in Italian universities,
polytechnic institutes and institutes of higher education.
The wide range of subjects constitutes excellent preparation for university and requires commitment
and dedication on the part of the students. Currently, our school's high school offers two options of
specialization, comparable to the Italian high school specializations: economics and government, or
physics and mathematics applications.
Our students get excellent linguistic preparation: they are bilingual in Italian and German. They also
have an excellent level of English, and they complete their education in French in the first two years
and then can add a Latin course in the third year and choose between French and Latin as their
fourth language.
For both options of specialization, this education is completed with a broad curriculum of history,
geography, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, philosophy and visual arts. With the
baccalaureate diploma from the Swiss School of Rome, students have access to all Swiss universities
without an additional entrance exam. They also have access to universities, polytechnic institutes and
institutes of higher education in Italy and, by demonstrating the necessary language skills, in the
other countries of the European Union. With five languages and an internationally recognized
diploma, the SSR high school opens a door to the world for its students.